Sleep Clinic

Services / Units / Clinics / Sleep Clinic

Sleep Clinic

The Sleep Clinic conducts sleep tests with qualified and trained staff who accurately monitor patients during these procedures by using modern brain and heart monitoring systems. This test should be performed in individuals suffering from sleepiness, excessive snoring, and extreme exhaustion during the day. Frequent sleep apnea causes stress to the patient and stimulates stress hormones that can lead to even worse conditions during sleep such as stroke or heart attack, heart arrhythmias, and drug-resistant sleep hypertension. The test is also used for diabetic patients who have trouble regulating their blood sugar despite taking insulin and oral medicine, or for individuals with drug-resistant, blood pressure, obesity, and heart failure.
Sleep Test or Polysomnography (PSG): The patient will be monitored during sleep and sleep phases, additional sleep movements, and the number of apneas (respiratory arrests) will be analyzed and reported.
The sleep test is recommended for the following individuals:
  • Obese patients before any surgery
  • Cosmetic surgeries for abdominal obesity
  • Prior to CABG surgery
  • Patients with delayed awakening following anesthesia and surgery
Subspecialty fields related to Sleep Clinic:
Pulmonology, ENT, neurology, anesthesia, thoracic surgery, obesity surgery, cardiology, psychiatry and Cadiac surgery
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